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Blake Rubin Scholarship

Poster:Post date:2019-03-13
 Blake Rubin remembers how hard to was for her to pay for her education to become the amazing Philly based photographer that she is today. Therefore, as a way to pay it forward to others, she created the $1200 Blake Rubin Foundation Scholarship, which is in its second year, to help one student per year lessen their financial burden from school.

Here are some details below:

  • Current high school seniors that have been accepted into a university or college
  • Current university or college students (including undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students) who aren’t in their final year of study.


To apply for the $1200 Blake Rubin Foundation Scholarship you must submit an original 500-word essay on the topic below:
What are your major accomplishments and why do you consider them accomplishments?” 

Submission Deadline:

The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2019.

Winner Selection:

A winner will be selected by Blake Rubin in August 2019. Once he has selected a winner they will be contacted and have two weeks to respond before a winner up is selected.

The $1200 scholarship will be awarded to the winner’s school’s financial aid department.

Please share the link below with the correct departments and any interested students.

Last modification time:2019-03-13 AM 11:28

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