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Scholarship of Dr.(hc) Chen Ting-Chuan Fall 2024(Deadline: Sept. 20)

Poster:Yang DollyPost date:2024-09-09
 Quota: 15 Bachelor students

Amount: NTD 20,000

• Average academic score of last semester: Above 80
• Grade of behavior of last semester: Above 80
• Must not have demerit record
• Freshman, Sophomore and Junior student: took at least 15 credits last semester
• Senior student: took at least 9 credits last semester

Deadline: 17:00 p.m., Sept. 20
Please submit the required documents to B1013.

Required Documents:
1. Application Form(As attachment)
2. Transcript of last semester(Original copy)
3. Statement of Purpose in 500 words or Explanation of why you need financial aid
4. Consent(As attachment)

Scholarship recipients should assist IB office for 40 hours

Please find the scholarship guidelines, application form and consent of service learning attached.

*Freshman are unable to apply for the scholarship this semester since student don't have score in TKU yet.

Last modification time:2024-09-18 AM 9:19

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